So that's where I came from by Gina Dawson

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Black Dog Books, 2010. ISBN: 9781742031019.
Recommended. 'So That's Where I Came From is the result of continuing requests for an accurate, up-to-date book to explain modern family structures, male and female body parts, conception, both natural and assisted, and birth.' With this as the end note to parents and caregivers, this book certainly does cover each area accurately, adequately and sensitively. Even families with 'two mums or dads' are mentioned but not dwelled upon and the 'Facts of Life' appear in such a way as to be easily understood and to create open discussion between parent and child. Beginning with a few myths, these are soon dispelled. Different terms for body parts and intercourse are mentioned but the proper names are given in each case, too.
There is a large amount of text in a smallish font, but it is not overly difficult, particularly if the book is shared by parent and child. The illustrations are simple but effective and, being placed on the white background of the page, are clear and well interspersed throughout the text. This is probably better suited to the earlier Primary children if it is to be shared by child and caregiver, as the language may appear to be a tad juvenile to the more 'worldly' upper primary students. Given Gina Dawson's background in teaching, counseling and sexuality education, this is an informative book, which could be used to answer a broad range of children's questions.
Jo Schenkel