Snuff by Terry Pratchett

Doubleday, 2011. ISBN 9780385619264.
(Ages: 14+) Highly recommended. Sir Samuel Vimes, Commander of the
City Watch, Duke of Ankh-Morpork and Blackboard Monitor, is on an
enforced holiday, with his adored wife and son, in the peaceful
countryside. It is his idea of hell, and he finds trees, livestock
and wildlife slightly disturbing, not to mention his young son's
obsession with all things 'poo'. However, his supposedly quiet
retreat is interrupted by a murder. The fact that it is a goblin
that is murdered, and that most people consider them non-sentient
beings and no better than animals, doesn't deter Vimes from
investigating. He uncovers systematic corruption, vice and slavery
and has to deal with the local aristocracy who believe the law
doesn't apply to them. These poor fools have no idea what they are
in for, and while Vimes is a cynical sceptic, he holds on to the law
for dear life. To him, no one is above or beneath the law.
I am a self confessed Terry Pratchett fan, and I am always excited
when a new book is released (this is the 39th Discworld book). I
especially enjoy the City Watch books and have watched Sam Vimes
evolve as a character over the series. It is always amusing and
uplifting to see him overcome his prejudices against non-humans (and
humans!) ie. vampires, trolls, golems, orcs, zombies, and now
goblins. He has learnt to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, and
judges them by what they do, not what they are.
Terry Pratchett is a wonderful, witty and wise story-teller. His
books are social commentary, interspersed with humour, farce and
extremely funny footnotes. One day he has Sam giving a gentle
dressing down to a bunch of fluttering Jane Austenesque young
ladies, the next he is chasing a killer on a steamboat on a raging
river. He does rollicking adventure and crime mysteries extremely
well. His stories are rich and multilayered, with a large cast of
characters and locations. Whilst he is never strident, he pokes mild
fun at people's frailties and foibles, but is happy to take a bigger
stick to hypocrisy, discrimination and cruelty.
Alicia Papp