Snow White: a graphic novel by Matt Phelan

Walker Books Australia, 2016. ISBN 9780763672331 (Age: Secondary)
Traditional fairytales continue as such a rich source for
adaptations, retellings and reworkings that one is often amazed that
anyone can come up with a new approach.
Acclaimed graphic novel creator Matt Phelan has proven that it is
very possible to revitalise such stories with this interpretation of
Snow White.
With a dark and brooding style reminiscent of film noir, Phelan has
taken 1930s Manhattan as his setting for this evocative rendering of
the favourite tale.
A wealthy man loses his wife but holds onto his fortune despite the
relentless and ominous rat-a-tat-tat of the stock ticker. While the
rest of New York reels under the collapse of Wall Street the man
remarries a glamorous and wellknown Ziegfield Follies star who
swiftly ensures the pretty little daughter, Samantha, known as Snow,
is removed to a boarding school. Before too long, the wicked new
wife decides she cannot be certain that her husband's good fortune
will continue so she cold-bloodedly removes him from the scene via a
poisoned cocktail. Her wrath when she discovers that the canny man
has altered his will in favour of his beloved daughter is ugly and
malicious. However, if anything should happen to Snow, then she
would inherit it all and she is completely prepared to make that a
She engages a thug to do the dirty work but he cannot bring himself
to do away with the sweet girl and tells her to run. But the seedy
alleys of New York are no safe place for a young woman on her own
and she is pursued by two street hoods. In the nick of time she is
rescued by some small men - in fact, they are just boys who take her
to their hideout.
And so the story goes on - with a wonderfully satisfactory happy
The amazing illustrations done throughout in grey tones (until the
last few pages) have been done in ink, pencil and watercolour with
some digital adjustments and would be a rich resource to inspire
young artists. It is these illustrations which tell the story with
very little text and make for a sombre and gripping retell of this
A beautiful addition to your collection for secondary students
particularly those interested in creative writing and illustrating.
You can access teaching
notes and watch a terrific trailer.
Sue Warren