Slow down Boris by Andrew Joyner

Penguin Group: Australia , 2012. ISBN: 9780143306702.
Highly recommended as an early chapter book for emerging and
independent readers. Boris embarks on a new adventure as he joins
his class on a trip to Hogg City where they visit the museum, enjoy
lunch in the park and finish with a session at the Road Safety
The Boris stories are easily accessible chapter books with short
sentences setting the scene and clear speech bubbles showing the
characters speaking. As with the previous Boris adventures you
expect that something exciting will happen to Boris, and it does,
ensuring that young readers will enthusiastically read on.
The colourful illustrations enhance the story by clearly showing a
variety of expressions and characters as his classmates wait whilst
Boris extricates himself from a set of shark jaws, a fountain. I
particularly enjoyed the illustrations as Boris, on the smallest
bike, rides around the bike circuit.
Boris of course saves the day and all ends happily as the bus
returns the class to Hogg Bay School.
Slow down Boris is an entertaining read which will delight young
readers and adults alike.
Sue Keane