Skylarks series by various authors

Evans, 2010
(Age: Middle Primary to Upper Primary) This series has an appealing set
up: smooth pages to feel, larger font and short chapters will appeal to
readers who can read and for whom many extending texts are so important.
Josie's garden by David Orme. ISBN 978 0237538934.
Well recommended. Modern coloured illustrations regularly support the
story line. The plot may well appeal to middle and upper primary
students who, like Josie live in a high rise apartment with a beautiful
view but no garden or place to run and play in. The resolution is
well played out. Set in England and with a hedgehog to see, the
text still enables the reader to identify with Josie and her dream of a
garden to play in. A well rounded story.
The Emperor's new clothes retold by Louise John. ISBN 978
Well recommended. An honest retelling of an old story. The
illustrations, although modern, give the sense of another older time
and so the atmosphere of the story is not wholly lost. They are
colourful and the facial expressions are cleverly drawn. The age
old story is told with sensitivity and accuracy and to hear the little
boy say 'Daddy, look, the Emperor has nothing on!' must encourage the
young reader to discuss the whole bizarre scenario.
Carving the sea path by Kathryn White. ISBN 9780237538903.
Well recommended. Joining a new community can be difficult and Samuel
certainly struggles to adjust to his new environment. He has been
provided with all the mod cons that should make his new life in the
Arctic pleasant in his home, but he struggles with the outside
environment. Irniq, a local lad, befriends Samuel and tries to
talk to him about the beautiful wildlife which swim in these
waters. As with all stories, the change occurs when a trapped
humpback is caught under the ice. It's a good story for friendships
under unusual circumstances and to the people who brave the outer
reaches of our planet to help our amazing water creatures. The
coloured illustrations are very ordinary but the text and font and the
feel of the paper are well presented.
Sue Nosworthy