Skoz the dog: Leader of the pack by Andrew Daddo

HarperCollins, 2010. ISBN 978 0733327827.
(Ages 8+) Warmly recommended. Skoz wakes finding himself very, very
cold and surrounded by huge slavering dragons, much bigger than he. All
is revealed though when he is attached to a sled the lead dog in a
pack, and told to 'mush'. He tries hard to achieve what the sled owner
wants him to do, but despite all this, he is left behind to be picked
up by someone passing by. The howl of the wolves is enough for him to
get himself free of his collar, and he runs, finding himself chased by
polar bears and falling into snow drifts. Just when all seems to be at
an end for poor old Skoz, he spies an igloo, and wouldn't you know it,
the igloo contains his owner, Fergus and the family.
An endearing story of loss and survival, of finding friends in the
oddest of places, as well as showing younger readers the range of
animals found in Alaska, this, the fourth in the series about Skoz the
sleepwalking dog, has warmth at its heart. Skoz is a wonderful creation
and his sleepwalking takes him on paths that kids will love to follow,
with illustrations that will keep smiles on their faces even when Skoz
finds himself in perilous situations.
Fran Knight