Skin by Ilka Tampke

Text, 2015. ISBN 9781922182333
Recommended for 14+. Ilka Tampke's first novel is set in Celtic
Britain from 28 AD to 44 AD. The novel is part historical and part
fantasy, and deals with the lives of the Celtic tribes living in the
east of Britain before and during the Roman invasion. The main
character, named Ailia, is a foundling and so does not have a family
group or 'skin', as it is called. Even though loved by her adoptive
mother and possessing many abilities, she cannot fully participate
in the rituals and teachings of the tribe. She is not educated and
will only ever be a servant. However, at the time of coming of age,
when the mid-summer fire ritual is held, she is chosen by the
ambitious warrior Ruther, and after love-making, begins to learn of
the Roman cities and way of life that he, as an emissary to Rome,
has experienced. Far from being impressed, as he is, she is
horrified at the possibility of their sacrilegious way of life
coming to her country. Her determination that resistance is
essential is reinforced when it becomes clear that she has been
chosen by the Mothers, the powers who control life, to be trained in
their knowledge despite her having no skin. She is given a sword
that becomes a pathway to the 'other world' of the Mothers and is a
symbol of power. Her clanspeople recognize her as the one they have
been waiting for, the Kendra, the most powerful Druid who they
believe will have the power to save them from the fast approaching
Roman armies. Ailia directs them to fight, despite her misgivings
and despite Ruther having brokered a deal which, he hopes, will save
many lives. The Romans attack, and Ailia sees that the consequence
of her order is the destruction of her village. Too late, she learns
of her skin, but reinforced by this knowledge and by her experience
she flees to join other resisting clans. The novel is well
researched; the details of everyday life and rituals are vividly and
seemingly realistically described, and are convincingly brutal at
times. The narrative moves quickly, despite some confusing
supernatural strands involving the Mothers and a lover stranded in
the 'other world'. The conclusion is historically accurate, as the
Romans did of course triumph in this part of Britain. The novel is
recommended for young adult readers.
Jenny Hamilton