Siren by Rachel Matthews

Transit Lounge, 2017. ISBN 9780995359567
(Age: Adult - Senior secondary) This is a story told for a specific
reason, and a valuable and valid reason it is indeed. Rachel
Matthews constructs a narrative that is engendered in the opening
story of a 16 year old girl, Jordi, who is seduced by a footballer.
Taken back to his apartment, with others, she takes part in a sexual
act that seems to be acceptable at first but, because she is not in
a state to agree, and she does not acquiesce, it is rape. The
consequences are almost catastrophic for the young woman. In the
embarrassment of being a victim, and in her inability to put into
words what happened, Jordi is not able to reveal what happened and
sinks into a deeply disturbed state.
Jordi's family is presented as struggling and dysfunctional, the
father rarely there, her mother living from the money he sometimes
brings when he finds work and manages to take the money back home.
Her mother is depicted as loving and concerned about her children
but is caught in a cycle of poverty that engenders dependence and so
often generates despair.
Matthews challenges a society where people can slide into a state
where they are unable to find work and are caught in a cycle of
poverty. She challenges the idolization of famous sportsmen, the
world of the 'party', where the use of drugs, alcohol and casual
sex, particularly between older men and young, impressionable,
innocent women, is seen as the norm. The footballer is not depicted
as either nasty or bad, but he is clearly a victim of a culture that
promises particular pleasures as a reward for celebrity status.
This novel would be appropriate for both adults and older
adolescents, in its powerful and deliberately disturbing narrative.
Rachel Matthews brings us back to the basic notion of the need for
the truths that are so often hidden, both personally and socially,
and for families, in whatever form they may take today, to be open
and supportive of each other. In the development of the characters,
and in the outcome, there are strong signs of hope.
Elizabeth Bondar