Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

Scholastic, 2014. ISBN 9780545654579
(Age 14+) Highly recommended. Maggie Stiefvater has done it again!
Bestselling author of the Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy, she
has returned to the acclaimed series to tie up the loose storyline
between two fan-appreciated characters. Stiefvater delivers a
fast-paced, adrenaline pumping and scandalous novel all in 350
pages. The author delegates the point of views to fan favourites,
Isabel Culpepper and Cole St. Clair. The combination of POVs
provides readers a peek into two gripping and different characters.
The setting is laid out beautifully on a silver platter and is
beautifully written, allowing the reader to imagine it perfectly.
Fans of the Wolves of Mercy Fall series will absolutely dive
head-first into this book and will not be left disappointed as the
author provides us an enrapturing plot line and compelling
For Isabel Culpepper, love doesn't exist. She went through life
head-strong, never believing in love and never, ever allowing her
true emotions show. But when she meets Cole St. Clair, an insanely
popular musician and a drug/alcohol addict, the walls begin to
tumble down around her despite her efforts. But after a certain and
terrifying series of events, Isabel relocates herself back to
California, hoping to escape the undeniable chemistry and pressure
of Cole St. Clair.
Living a single life in California, Isabel has finally begun to
truly let go of the past and one particular person. But when Cole
St. Clair once again walks into her life, she cannot believe that he
is here for her. So when she finds out that Cole's next six weeks of
his life will be filmed and published onto the internet, Isabel
fears that Cole will go down his winding and deathly rabbit hole of
drugs, sex and rock 'n roll. But will the opportunity arise for Cole
to change his life and attitude and finally journey through his life
with Isabel in tow? Will Isabel be able to expose her thoughts and
emotions to Cole, the one person she can't and can live without? All
will be answered in Sinner.
With an introduction of new characters and an entirely new setting,
Maggie Stiefvater has truly delivered a book definitely worth any
readers time. Her writing consumes you and compels you to read, read
and read. To completely understand the events that happened before
Sinner, I recommend reading the Wolves of Mercy Falls series
beforehand as it will provide background information.
Samantha May (Student)