Silver in the blood by Jessica Day George

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Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN 9781681190242
(Age; 13+) Recommended. In the peak of youthful society of 1890's New York, two young cousins, Lou and Darcia, are at their social prime with constant attention turned on them as they are the mixed blood of a wealthy New York family and an ancient Romanian line. With vague warning, both girls are caught up in a whirlwind trip to finally engage with their Romanian relatives and connect to their ancient heritage. The trip is long and with it, more questions and strange situations appear and are discussed in letters and journal entries from both girls. Once in her home country, Darcia is frustrated by her Aunt Kate's sudden change in personality; what could make someone go from being like a mother, to a prison guard. Darcia demands to find out what is the real reason they were suddenly brought back to Romania and why everyone she knows and loves is starting to act incredibly strange. By the end, neither girl will ever be the same again.
Jessica Day George writes Silver in the Blood in such a way that captures the reader's attention and really makes the 1890's in America, Paris and Romania burst with life, painting a very relatable and realistic scene for her characters to interact. With reference to another well-known novel from the time, Silver in the Blood is exciting for readers of fantasy and mystery. This novel is recommended for an teenage audience (13+) due to themes of violence and romance. A fantastic read that leaves readers hoping for more stories about the two cousins, Darcia and Lou.
Sarah Filkin (University student)