Shimmer by Paula Weston

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The Rephaim bk 3. Text Publishing, 2014. ISBN 9781922147974
(Age: 15+) Recommended. Gaby has started to become accustomed to the thought that she is one of the Rephaim, a half angel and that her brother Jude is still alive. But her world is torn apart with the capture of Rafa and Taya, who are being kept in a horrible prison, an iron-lined room, by Gatekeeper demons. She must get all the Rephaim to work together to try and rescue them and that is not an easy job.
The third in the series, Shimmer, concentrates on the relationships within the Rephaim, and the machinations that occur between gaby and her close confederates, those loyal to the Sanctuary and the Outcasts. There is a handy Who's who at the front of the book as a reminder of the characters and Gaby recounts what has happened in earlier books at the beginning of Shimmer, all of which is helpful when books only come out once a year. The reader begins to get to know all the characters in depth and Weston keeps the tension taut as Gaby does her best to get the Rephaim to unite and go to Rafa's rescue. There are some surprise moments that shock and leave the reader wondering just who is loyal and who is betraying the half angels.
Gaby's leadership skills are beginning to develop and it is interesting to see her operate through the anxiety about Rafa, with determination and strength. She seems to be combining both her skills as a half angel and the skills that she learnt when she thought she was just human and this makes for a fascinating read.
Weston's tight prose and great character building, as well as her creation of a fascinating world, make this a very readable book and the cliff-hanger at the end means that the last in the series will have to be read. This series is a worthwhile read for fantasy lovers, especially those who like some half angels involved.
Pat Pledger