Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

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Allen and Unwin, 2011. ISBN 9781742378206.
(Ages: 15+) Juliette is different, her entire life she has tried to fit in and wished that she could get rid of this curse she has had for as long as she can remember. She can't touch any other person because it could kill them and she has killed once before, but she didn't mean to it was an accident. Now she is locked away where she can never harm any one. But the Reestablishment have plans for her, plans that involve using her as a weapon, and after lifetime without freedom Juliette has discovered a way to fight back and now she has plans of her own. For the first time in her life her future looks bright and she may just be able to spend it with the boy she thought she lost.
Shatter Me is amazing. The first sentence of this book just pulled me in and I had to read it. I felt so sorry for Juliette; she was lonely growing up because no one would go near her, they were too afraid to touch her. I would highly recommend it. It has romance, danger, a controlling society and barely a moment's rest before it came to the next thing that made me want to keep reading. I wish the book hadn't finished, but it did, I guess it's a good thing that it's the beginning of a series that I can't wait to read.
Tahlia Kennewell (student)