Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson

Orbit, 2013. ISBN 9780356500447.
(Age: Senior secondary - Adult) Shaman is a lengthy novel, set in
the last Ice Age, at a time when the Neanderthals are dying out (the
Old Ones), and the Cro-Magnons, our ancestors, are well and truly on
the road to success. This is the story of Loon, a young Cro-Magnon
set to become the shaman of his pack, and the struggle he has coming
to terms with his place in the world.
Essentially, Shaman is a coming-of-age story. The author
paints a very detailed world, with much description and little
dialogue. We follow Loon's initiation into manhood, his difficulties
accepting the path that has been chosen for him, and then his
various adventures which inevitably lead to his maturation and
acceptance of his place in the scheme of things as he grows in
wisdom and responsibility.
This is an interesting novel, well written, certainly gripping in
parts, and quite thought-provoking. It has been well researched, and
interestingly, self-styled by the author as a science fiction with
the rationale that it stems from the study of a science -
archaeology. You can draw your own conclusions about a speculative
work of fiction set 30,000 years in the past. To me, it calls The
Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel to mind. Another
text to compare it with might be the documentary film Cave of
Forgotten Dreams (2010) about the Chauvet caves, as there is a
lot of painting described in Shaman, based on these very caves.
Shaman would not work as a classroom text, but as an addition
to a school library it may appeal to competent senior students.
Anne Veitch