Shakespeare makes the playoffs by Ron Koertge

Candlewick, 2012. ISBN 9780763658526.
Highly recommended. Shakespeare makes the playoffs is the
sequel to Ron
Koertge's very well received young adult novel, Shakespeare bats
cleanup. Once again Koertge tells a tale of baseball and
poetry and
(not quite) first love in an American Middle School setting; and
again the entire work is told in verse. Like all great books, this
novel transcends its subject matter to dig away at the really big
questions; life, death, love and betrayal.
The whole is carefully wrapped in a finely crafted email
between Kevin, the Shakespeare of the title, and Amy, his newly
poetry buddy. At no stage does Koertge get too sentimental or overly
clever as he manages to draw realistic and sympathetic teenage
characters struggling with the highs and lows of teenage love.
strictly a sequel, this novel can be read as a stand-alone book
with the main characters' backstories adeptly slotted into the
Kevin, the poetry writing first baseman of the title struggles with
himself, his brain a churning mixture of emotions. His loyalty to
current girlfriend, the beautiful Mira and his growing realisation
the intellectual possibilities of the poetry writing Amy jostle,
slight shift in his feelings described in a poem.
Shakespeare makes the playoffs stands out as a shining gem in
miasma of derivative dystopian writing that makes up much of what we
have lately been offered as 'Young Adult Literature'. You don't have
know or like baseball or even poetry to thoroughly enjoy this
poignant story of growing up. Dare I say Ron Koertge has hit another
Stephen Bull