Send for a Superhero by Michael Rosen

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Ill. Katharine McEwen. Walker Books, 2013. ISBN: 9781406327090.
(Ages: 3-5) This is actually a comic within a picture book. Dad is reading a comic to Emily and Elmer, trying to get them to go to sleep. While they read about monsters called Filth and Vacuum who are trying to take over the world, Emily and Elmer interject with comments and some sibling sniping.
The comic itself is quite entertaining, with an array of stereo-typical superheroes finding themselves unable to save the day, so Extremely Boring Man has to be the hero. He comes to the rescue in a most unusual way. The story of the father and the children seems a little forced at times, however it does ring true with the types of comments children come up with during story time. Unfortunately I felt it lacked the charm of many of the author's other books.
Donella Reed