Self harm by Michelle Mitchell

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Big Sky, 2019. ISBN: 9781925675573
Recommended book for parents and counsellors. Subtitled Why teens do it and what parents can do to help. 'In this book, award-winning speaker, author and educator Michelle Mitchell has combined her 20 years' experience, with the latest research, interviews with experts and stories from professionals and everyday families, to give parents and teachers fresh insights into how to prevent, understand and respond to self-harm.
Full of evidence-based strategies, this unique resource will provide parents with the facts, practical help and comfort they need.' (Publisher)
Recommended reading perhaps even as teacher reference.
Big Sky Publishing's page on the book contains a link to an interview with Mitchell by the ABC Radio, and a link to a video about teens' self harm. It also contains several very positive reviews and comments about the usefulness of the book.
Vincent Hermann