Seababy : a little otter returns home by Ellen Levine

Ill. by Jon Van Zyle. Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 978 0 8027 9808 4.
(Age: 5+) Recommended. Picture book. Animals. Family. A charming
tale of a lost sea otter, separated from his mother when the seas
become rough, but taken by humans to a rescue haven, where he is
nursed back to health and then put into a larger pool with an older
female otter who teaches him how to fend for himself. The survival
skills necessary for this baby otter are shown clearly from the
skills taught by his mother, to the care taken by the humans and
then the skills taught by the surrogate mother. Each shows readers
very distinctly how an otter survives and the sorts of things they
need to keep themselves alive and safe.
The otters must learn how to dive to find food on the bottom of the
sea, bringing up clams to open by smacking their shells on rocks
placed on their stomachs. And at night he must pull together some
seaweed to create a bed on which to lie in the rolling sea.
The happily descriptive illustrations show contented otter lazing
around on their seaweed beds, and also the skills taught them by the
older otters. A reader can be in o doubt about how these little
animals survive whilst at the end of the book, a page of information
is given detailing the work of the Californian Monterey Bay
Aquarium, along with further references and websites for students to
pursue their research. This book is a happy mix of story and
Fran Knight