Scream: The Spider Army by Jack Heath

Scholastic, 2015. ISBN: 9781760152093
(Age 9 - 12)Recommended. Themes: Spiders - Fiction, Mysteries and
Suspense Stories, School Stories. Scream: The Spider Army by
Jack Heath delivers the same level of creepiness, shocks and scares
that Scream: The Human Flytrap did without the scream noise
when you opened the cover. The reader launches straight into the
novel, no contents or publishing information, just the first chapter
embellished with black borders, spiders and webs.
Something strange is happening in the fortress that is their school-
Axe Falls High School. After the damaging earthquake the previous
Friday night, a deadly spider army has been unleashed in their
school. The lethal blue-black arachnids lurk in the corridors and
classrooms, their venomous bites cause gross disfigurement, the
victims's screams are unbearable and terrifying. Yvette is the
central character, she loves to tinker in the garage inventing new
machines. Her high powered pressure washer will come in handy - not
just for Food Technology! Unfortunately, after a spider sighting she
causes havoc and is given two weeks detention in the library after
school. She has to help organise the books after the destruction of
the earthquake. Where is the missing librarian? Why is she locked in
the archive room with something noisy and hissing and what is creepy
Mr. Mortimer involved in?
This action-packed junior novel with short chapters and a fast-paced
story is just right for readers who have high interest levels and
lower reading ages. The dark graphic descriptions make this a novel
suited to 9+ readers. Everything from the black edged pages and
borders, the spiders images all set the mood for the chilling
narrative. Jack Heath's writing career began when he was thirteen.
Now in his twenties, he continues to write fast-paced, thrilling
adventures for his younger readers.
Recommended for readers 9-12
Rhyllis Bignell