Scarlett, starlet by Emma Quay

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Scarlett, starlet by Emma Quay
ABC Books, 2015. ISBN 9780733331589
(Age: 4-6) Recommended. Ballet, Dance, Performance, Achievement. Scarlett dances just everywhere. She dances when she gets up in the morning, dances in the kitchen, dances around the house, into her clothes and out again. She tippy taps everywhere with her little dog, Jazzy Jo-Jo. They dance around Dad, who taps his feet on the floor, sometimes they dance on six legs, sometimes four, and Mum smiles.
Her Mum and Dad are very appreciative of their talented daughter, but she wants a bigger stage. So Mum makes her a costume and they all go off to the dancing school together. But without Jo-Jo. Scarlett is upset because she feels that she cannot dance without Jo-Jo.
Mum tells her that dogs are not allowed on the stage, and sure enough when initially Scarlett takes the stage, she finds it difficult to perform without Jo-Jo.
But instead of the tip tip tapping of Jo-Jo's feet she hears her Dad's feet keeping time in the audience, and so dances and shines with all the other children.
She is a star, and when she gets home, she dances with Jo-Jo, and sees herself shining in her parent's eyes.
This is a charming tale of being part of a family, of shining in the light of parents' eyes, of being the apple of their eyes. It is about striving to do your best, and taking a plunge into the unknown. The cute illustrations suit the tale well, of a young girl besotted with dance, and the whole will be looked for in the school library.
Fran Knight