Scarlett and Ivy: The Dance in the Dark by Sophie Cleverly

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Harper Collins Publishing, 2016. ISBN 9780007589227
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Scarlett and Ivy: The Dance in the Dark is book 3 in the series. It refers back to the events from book 1 and 2 so they are not needed to understand this story but book sets are always good to read from the beginning.
Scarlett and Ivy: The Dance in the Dark finds Scarlett and Ivy, twin sisters, back at their boarding school Rookwood after the evil principal has been removed. Everyone is hoping things will get back to normal until the ballet teacher mysteriously disappears, a strange (almost threatening) message is left on a board, the horses are let out and a student is pushed from a window. What is going on at Rookwood School? Are the girls and other students safe or has the terror started again? Who is the Mistress Zelda and what does her suspicious behaviour have to do with it all? Can Scarlett, Ivy and their best friend Ariadne get to the bottom of another mystery before someone else is injured?
Scarlett and Ivy: The Dance in the Dark is an easy to read novel with a quick moving storyline. It is also easy to follow and easy to find favourite characters. The characters are a mixture of different personalities and the subplots make the story interesting. Readers will also cheer for Ivy as Penny (the bully of the story) picks on her. They will cheer for Scarlett who just wants to protect everyone. They will wonder who is behind all of the troubles but can they read the clues and pick the instigator? The themes are well suited to readers aged 10+ and is highly recommended for girls.
Kylie Kempster