Saving Quinton by Jessica Sorensen

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Breaking Nova series, bk2.
Sphere, 2015. ISBN 9780751555356.
(Age: 16+) Recommended. Drug abuse.
Nova can't forget Quinton, the one who made her realise that an empty life is not what she deserved. Nova has come to terms with her past and has started to heal, while Quinton is out there getting worse and sinking deeper. She is determined to find him and help him, even if he doesn't want the help. Quinton believes that this is what he deserves, life without Nova and a life of hopelessness and despair. He tries to keep Nova away from his life to keep her safe, but Nova isn't going anywhere.
Nova having been a drug addict herself and wanting to help Quinton through his struggles while fighting her past, was astonishing; I needed to keep reading to see if Nova would succeed in saving Quinton.
Jessica Sorensen has done a marvellous job in portraying a life in an addiction and how it affects others. The story pulled at so many emotions and addresses personal issues that will have the reader hooked.
Cecilia Richards