Sandcastle by Philip Bunting

Allen and Unwin, 2018. ISBN 9781760295387
Rae loves the beach and wants to build a sandcastle, one of those
magnificent ones you see in books with towers, ramparts, a moat and
even a dragon to guard it! With the help of his grandfather, he does
just that. But while they eat their fish and chips, the inexorable
tide moves closer and closer and Rae is worried that the
fortifications will not be enough to keep out the sea. Sadly, they
don't but Rae learns an amazing lesson about the nature of things.
In the author's dedication he says, "You, me, this book, your
breakfast . . . we're all made from tiny particles, stuff that has
been around since the beginning of time. We're only borrowing these
particles from the enormous universe that made them. Once we're done
with them, the bits that make us will go on to lead many new
existences on Earth, and beyond." So while, on the surface, this
could be just a pleasant story about a boy and his grandfather at
the beach doing something and experiencing the consequences that so
many young readers will resonate with, it could also be an
introduction to lessons about matter and atoms and stuff, another
one of those topics that little ones find tricky to understand
because they can't see the individual components.
But for me, I found beauty in the words as a way of helping a child
cope with the grief of losing a family member or pet - that no
matter how a disease might have crept through their body and
ultimately stolen it, as the sea does a sandcastle, the person still
exists as memories and that a little part of them lives on in each
person they touched and influenced in some way. Very philosophical
but a mark of a quality storyteller whose work can touch the reader
in many, often unintended, ways.
Barbara Braxton