Salvation Lost by Peter F. Hamilton

Salvation Sequence Book 2. Pan Macmillan, 2019. ISBN:
9781447281368. 896pp.
This is a book only for extreme devotees of Science Fiction who
enjoy considering where the world and humanity might be heading in
the 23rd Century. Combining astro-physics, space travel through
portals, recreated earth-like geodomes, aliens, robotic-human
hybrids as well as technology that defies description, there is a
complication on every page that the author has managed to describe
using a vocabulary that is technical, futuristic and extremely
complex. With war looming with the Olyix, strategies and alliances
must be created to save humanity and keep everything on a path to
survival. Along the way there are strange relationships, medical
advances that are extreme (including augmentations for sexual
prowess), longevity that requires considerable enhancements and
forces and powers that are entangled and complex.
This is not a book for the faint-hearted! Nor can I comfortably
recommend it to anyone other than the Physics-engrossed Sci-fi fan
who desires a book that crosses warfare with Space solutions into
the future, and can grapple with explanations that would test their
University Science knowledge. Despite that, it seems that there are
people in the world who are clamouring for this kind of fiction, and
Peter F. Hamilton is the master. Themes: Science Fiction;
Speculative and futuristic fiction; Space travel; Robotics; Aliens;
Alien Invasion.
Carolyn Hull