Sally Snicker's knickers by Lynn Ward

Ill. by Anthea Stead. Walker, 2014. ISBN 9781921720499
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Verse, Underwear, Humour, Difference. Sally
is unusual and likes to wear her knickers on her head in preference
to a hat. The first half of the book shows her in her knicker
wearing guise, with vibrant images showing a broad range of undies;
boxer shorts, Y-fronts, long johns, cottontails, lycra, all placed
on Sally's grinning head. But not everyone accepts her oddity,
particularly not her teacher who reminds her of the school hat rule.
But the rest of her class make the teacher change her decision and
all is resolved very neatly.
This is a lovely tale of difference, of not obeying rules, of having
your friends support the decision you have made. Sally tries on all
of her knickers as well as a few from other people on her head.
Readers will laugh out loud at Sally and her preference for frilly
knickers or floral knickers, with all shades between, until she
arrives at school to find some opposition.
The four line verses are fluid and easy to read out loud, filling
out Sally's other traits, enabling readers to feel empathy for the
girl who likes to wear knickers on her head, as well as odd socks,
and sometimes no shoes. The colourful illustrations add to the scope
and humour of the story as readers will love recognising the
different sorts of knickers shown.
Fran Knight