Sage Cookson's stormy weather by Sally Murphy

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New Frontier, 2018. ISBN 9781925594263
(Age: 5-7) Recommended. Themes: Cooking. Cyclones. Courage. Family life. Ten-year-old Sage Cookson travels with her famous TV chef parents Ginger and Basil all over Australia and the world. In each new destination, the crew film her parents tasting new foods, eating at popular restaurants and promoting the local cuisine.
Townsville is their new destination and Sage is excited about swimming at the beach and sightseeing. Her best friend Lucy is a little jealous until Sage shows her the amount of school work their teacher has assigned. There's even a research project on extreme weather and when Sage checks the forecast and realises that Cyclone Riley is rapidly approaching the Queensland coast.
Sage remains at the hotel completing all her homework while her mum and dad film segments of their show. Townsville is preparing for the extreme weather, clearing debris, stocking up and preparing shelters. Even their hotel manager and the staff clear out the stockrooms in case of emergency. There's time for swimming in the safety of the hotel pool and some delicious seafood meals before Cyclone Riley hits the city.
There's no mystery to solve in Stormy weather, instead we see the family working together, sheltering in the hotel during the cyclone and helping the community afterwards. Sage and her family cook up a huge seafood feast for all the community and the helpers to say thank you.
Sally Murphy's Sage Cookson's books are just right for the newly independent reader, someone who enjoys cooking, adventure and family fun. A delicious recipe for Mango Cheesecake Dessert Cups is included as well.
Rhyllis Bignell