Runelight by Joanne Harris

Doubleday, 2012. ISBN: 9780857530820
(Ages: 16+ Advanced readers)
Highly recommended. Runelight is the second book (begun in Runemark)
in the continuing adventures of the now 17 year old Maddy Smith. In
the previous book she discovered that she is one of the new gods,
daughter of Thor and a demon, and granddaughter to Odin. This story
follows her continuing attempts to control and develop her magical
powers, whilst trying to avert the end of the world, being brought
about by the disgruntled and insane Mimir, aka the Whisperer. Her
newly found family, who are the dysfunctional remnants of the
pantheon of Norse gods, are not helping with their continual
bickering and undermining of each other. Having lost most of their
own powers in the other 'End of the World' 500 years previously, and
having formed an uneasy alliance with demon-kind and the Vanir, it
falls to the resourceful and intrepid Maddy to bring all these
disparate forces together. She is never sure who to trust or put her
faith in, and when she discovers the existence of a sister, she
finds herself conflicted in her loyalties.
Set in an alternative, vaguely medieval universe (not unlike Terry
Pratchett's Discworld), this book is peppered throughout with
anachronisms which add to the enjoyment. This is an amazingly
intricate, rich and very funny book. There are secrets, lies,
betrayals and wonderful descriptions of the Nine Worlds and the
incredible creatures that inhabit it. Not to mention Loki, The
Trickster; a truly memorable character. The only quibble I have with
this book is its complexity. I got a bit impatient with the breath
taking speed that the story switches between characters and
storylines. This made it hard at times to keep up, but once I got
into the rhythm of the storytelling, those concerns fell away (and
the list of characters is useful!) This is a minor criticism, more
than made up for by the invention, humour, imagination and
beautifully realised characters and situations.
Though different in tone, I enjoyed this book as much as Melina
Marchetta's Finnikin of the Rock and Froi of the Exiles.
Wonderfully written, a joy to read.
Alicia Papp