Run, Pip, run J. C. Jones

Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781743319222
(Age: 10+) Pip's origins are very unclear, even to her. She was
left in an apple crate on Sully's doorstep as a newborn and so he
named her Pip and raised her as his granddaughter. All goes well
until Pip's 10th birthday when just as he is presenting her birthday
cake, Sully has a stroke and falls, ending up in hospital. And
suddenly the police want to know about Pip's family so she can be
cared for while Sully is recuperating.
But Sully has filled Pip's head with stories of the sorts of people
who take in foster kids so there is no way she is going to let them
take her. And so begins an engaging story of how Pip lives on her
wits to keep herself out of their clutches, starting with finding an
empty house that is for sale where she can live in the luxury that
she has never experienced before. Living with Sully means she knows
her way around the local racetracks so she is able to get some money
- she's desperately trying to raise enough for Sully to go to rehab,
thinking it's one of those expensive places where famous people go
to dry out - and the story cracks along as she dodges the
ever-encroaching arms of Senior Constable Molly Dunlop. And then
Sully dies.
This is a story that I would put in the pile of the good, solid read
for those looking for something a little different, an appealing
heroine (who is more like a boy) and a fast-paced but realistic
adventure. It's about love, loyalty, friendship and courage as a
little girl tries desperately to cling onto what she knows and
believes. It is cleverly written so that the reader can understand
Pip's perspective of being independent and invincible but also
appreciate that the adults are trying to do what they know is best
for her - her current life is not sustainable.
If you're looking for a great read-aloud to kickstart Term 2, this
would be it.
Barbara Braxton