Rules of summer by Shaun Tan

Hachette, 2013. ISBN 9780734410672.
(Age: 7 to adult) Highly recommended. Picture book, Summer, Art
perspectives, Childhood. The rules of engagement between friends and
siblings are often arbitrary, changing on a whim, but sometimes
having a strong reason at their base. In this book, Tan presents
those rules between two boys over one summer. Many pages are very
dark, reflecting the cautionary tales of the past, where rules are
given to warn of the possible repercussions of an action while some
are light hearted, some simply reflect the relationship between the
Tan shows the two boys, one older and bigger, fencing the behaviour
of the other with his short, pithy rules. 'Never', begins each page,
telling of a rule which must be followed. Never forget a password,
never give your keys to someone else, never leave the door open at
night, and on they go, the pages darkening as more gloomy
backgrounds fill the boys' days.
And it seems that some of the actions by the older boy are
questionable, scrapping with the younger boy on the ground, leaving
him shut in a furnace, only to return with bolt cutters, one of the
'always' rules that begins to grace the lightening pages.
With nods to the work of Jeffrey Smart, Dali, and Van Gogh, Tan
brings his own imaginative powers to hie illustrations, adding
futuristic themes with space vehicles and robotic dinosaurs, fantasy
in the form of pages of all seeing birds, humour with the tennis
match against a mechanical toy and wonder at the scope of summer's
produce. Each double page with the words on the left and an
illustration on the right, will draw gasps of recognition, fear,
pleasure and, humour as he plays with our emotional responses to
such imagery.
The older boy is at worst a bully, but could simply be teaching a
younger brother the way around the neighbourhood, at the end sitting
with him on the couch, sharing popcorn while watching television,
redeeming himself for his actions of the past.
On Tan's website
is a most informative series of video clips outlining his thoughts
and sketches, his ideas and paintings for this work.
As with much of his work, children and adults alike will spend time
looking and thinking, while in the classroom, lessons could be
developed around the themes, friendship, rivalry, neighbourhoods,
using the set of comprehensive teacher notes to be found on the
website above.
Fran Knight