Ruby's worry by Tom Percival

Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408892152
(Age: 3+) Recommended. Themes: Anxiety. Depression. Sharing.
Friendship. Ruby's life is carefree and happy, but one day a worry
finds her. At first it is a very small worry and can be hidden
behind her, or even ignored. But as time goes on the worry increases
in size, becoming a constant shadow next to her as she goes to bed
at night, eats her breakfast and catches the bus to school. She
tries to work at school, but the worry sits next to her, invading
her thoughts. The worry gets bigger, staring at her over the
breakfast table, sitting on the swing besides her. She realises that
no-one else can see her worry, until one day she sees a young boy
sitting in the park. He too has a worry and this time, Ruby can see
his worry. He is sad and reflects just how she feels, so she sits
down next to him and they talk about their worries. As they do this
their worries become smaller, and lift from their shoulders. They
are aware that by sharing their worries they become smaller, and
Ruby knows that although her shadow is still there, much smaller
than it was, she now has the skill to keep it under control.
This story, like Mr
Huff (Anna Walker, 2015) is most useful at a time where
mental ill health has become a problem amongst younger children.
Children will instantly recognise the background to the story, many
knowing someone who suffers from anxiety, and see that having a
worry is not unusual and there are steps they can take to help
themselves not be overwhelmed by the feeling.
Fran Knight