Ruby Red Shoes goes to London by Kate Knapp

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Angus and Robertson, 2016. ISBN 9780732297626
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Nostalgia. London. Travel. The nostalgic stories of the hare, Ruby Red Shoes, have found a warm following; the first two, Ruby Red Shoes and Ruby Red Shoes goes to Paris, both shortlisted for CBCA awards in 2013 and the Readings Book Prize in 2014. A good beginning for a young author illustrator finding her way within a competitive industry.
Ruby and her grandmother live in a caravan, and decide to visit London to stay with her aunt Pinky at Lunar Crescent. They board the underground and alight at the correct station, to be greeted with warmth by their aunt and cousins. A great deal of food is consumed as is appropriate for staying with relatives, and the next day they board the Hop On Hop Off Bus to see more of this great city. They see many sights, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Fortnum and Mason's and buy some sweets there from their famous range. But a surprise is in store at the hairdresser's shop. It is full of dogs and many are corgis, so when the owner comes along to collect her pets, it is none other than the Queen. That night Ruby falls instantly to sleep dreaming of her meeting with the Queen and the horses, and while she is asleep London is coated in a layer of snow. Grandma and Ruby return to their home full of memories to dwell upon and remember, but there is no place like home.
Softly edged, finely detailed and colourful illustrations add life to the story as children will readily follow Ruby's excursion to London. A wonderful introduction to what a city offers residents and visitors alike, and a great overview of what London has to offer the tourist.
Fran Knight