Roses are Blue by Sally Murphy

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Ill. by Gabriel Evans. Walker Books, 2014. ISBN 9781922244376.
Highly recommended for 7-10 years. Themes: family, change, accident, disability, resilience, friendship, care, compassion, empathy, hope, school.
I have not got used to my new mum.
Even though I love her
(I absolutely love her)

Sally Murphy's free verse novel is a poignant story of young Amber Rose and her new mum who has changed dramatically after an accident. The family has moved to a new house and new school and Aunty Fi now lives with them as Mum's carer. Each poem is told from Amber's point of view as she struggles with the changes at home, develops new friendships at school and expresses her feelings and emotions through painting. She misses her dancing, gardening, painting mother.
Each poem is carefully crafted, every word, line and verse carries the weight of Amber's feelings from highs to lows. With themes of resilience, acceptance, valuing family and friendship this novel is suitable for readers from 7 years of age. Gabriel Evans' line drawings add to the reader's understanding of Mum's disability and show Amber's journey.
Rhyllis Bignell