Rory and the Monstersitter by Rosie Reeve

Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 978140884551.
Highly recommended for readers aged 5+, young children with an
adult, and independent readers aged 7+. Rory and the Monster Sitter
had me smiling and if Rory's mum and dad ask you to babysit then say
no! Rory and the Monstersitter is a lovely picture book about a
young monster, Rory, who loves to cook. When his parents go out,
Rory has the chance to cook something (or someone) new for dinner.
The babysitter?
The pictures are detailed, the characters funny and the story short.
It would be a great story to read to children in the classroom and
use to deconstruct a narrative. It is also good for looking at
alternative ending to stories.
Kylie Kempster