Ripley's human body, believe it or not by Camilla de la Bedoyere

Scholastic, 2010. ISBN 978 1741695977.
Recommended (non fiction). Another book of facts and photographs, this
time on the eccentricities
of the human body, this book will please a whole range of kids when
they find it on the shelves. Facts such as the 45 kilo girl in the USA
who can put away 52 hard boiled eggs in one sitting, or the man who
eats televisions, or the guys pulling a truck, all amaze and delight.
Combined with information about the part of the human body under
discussion, kids are sure to seek this book out on the library shelves.
Chapter headings such as Under pressure, Seeing is believing, Open up,
What a waste, Lights out and Fit for life give a clue as to what is in
each double page spread. All great fun, but with a base of fact making
this a fascinating non fiction book.
Fran Knight