Return of the dinosaurs by Bronwyn Houston

Magabala Books, 2016. ISBN 9781925360370
(Age: 6+) Highly recommended. Return of the Dinosaurs is a
beautifully illustrated Australian picture book. What if dinosaurs
returned? What would they do all day? Better yet, what would they do
if they lived in Broome, Western Australia? Author, Bronwyn Houston
uses her local knowledge and Broome landmarks to help describe what
the dinosaurs would get up to. The dinosaurs could be seen at Cable
Beach or the local movie house. Locals could take photos as the
dinosaurs splash in the ocean and the dinosaurs could find the
secret salmon runs. The text is short and descriptive, making it a
great book to read before bed or to a class. The gorgeous
illustrations will provoke discussions, children could create their
own images to go with the story, real photographs of the landmarks
could be compare to the drawings and different art techniques and
mediums could be explored to recreate the images. Highly recommended
for readers aged 3+ but they will require an adult to read it to
them. Children aged 6+ will enjoy exploring the vocabulary and the
Kylie Kempster