Retribution falls by Chris Wooding

Gollancz, 2009. ISBN 978 0575 08515 2.
Reading level 13 onwards. Science fiction fans will enjoy this
rollicking adventure set in another world where futuristic spacecraft
ply airways which are troubled by pirates who would be very much at
home in the Eighteenth Century Caribbean. The story has a definite
maritime feel with all the craft being referred to in traditional
shipping terms such as frigate, battleship, freighter etc, and the Navy
keeps order amongst the legitimate traders, pirates and warring
enemies. Curiously pistols, cutlasses and shotguns feature as often as
the modern technology and this is part of the magic, with frenzied
sword fights and gun battles being a feature. The chief protagonist is
Captain Frey, master of the Ketty Jay - his pride and joy which he uses
for legitimate cargo and passenger trade. He also engages in smuggling
and outright piracy depending upon his financial state and the degree
of lawlessness in the regions he navigates. For a pirate, Frey is a
likeable character. He is not a bloodthirsty killer and is motivated
purely by lust for money, alcohol and women. Indeed the good looking
and charismatic Frey is something of a failure in all of his endeavours
and he barely keeps his ship and motley crew of misfits afloat.
Naturally, driven by greed, Frey agrees to ambush a galleon for an
enormous sum of money, only to find that he has been manipulated by
powerful criminal forces who seek to bring down the monarchic /
aristocratic power structure. Wooding struggles to adequately explain
this grossly complicated ruling system yet the story does not suffer
for it. The reader is satisfied that evil forces, the Awakeners seek to
overthrow a benevolent regime by foul means. Our hero and his crew,
having taken the fall for a heinous act must somehow assist the Navy
and authorities (who are hoping to arrest and execute them) to bring
the real culprits to justice. There are a multitude of interesting and
frightening characters in this tale and the reader witnesses the
development of loyalty, acceptance and camaraderie amongst Frey and his
crew, all of whom are escaping trauma or failure of some sort. This is
an exciting story and the misadventures and foolhardy escapades of this
crew are extremely amusing. As in all good pirate stories, terrific
battles between ships abound as the Ketty Jay sails to the pirate
stronghold of Retribution Falls. (Language, violence and sexual themes
are not excessive).
Rob Welsh