Resonance by Celine Kiernan

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Allen & Unwin 2015. ISBN 9781743313084
(Age: 14+) Recommended. A dark fantasy set in a remote Irish village, Resonance is clearly not an everyday read. I would recommend it to lovers of dark fantasy aged fourteen and over.
The story follows a case of mistaken identity as Joe, a poor cab driver, is accused of being Mathew by a black man with ominous glowing eyes. Joe is confident that he will never see Vincent again, but then he reappears in the theatre district with Lord Wolcroft. They are searching for performers for an extravaganza. Meanwhile Mickey the Wretch beats Joe almost to death before Vincent swoops in and saves him. He says that the only way for Joe to survive is to return home. In no state to argue, Joe is bundled into the carriage along with his friend Tina and her boss, Miss Ursula. Watching all this and unable to stand by, Harry, an American magician, jumps aboard the carriage, determined to help his friends. It doesn't take long for Tina to discover Lord Wolcroft's dark secret. Instead of an extravaganza, they are headed for a feast, and they are the main course. The friends must work together to prove to the two men that they are more than just food, and in the process teach them that change can be for the better.
The book deals with change and the way people cope with it. Some want it, while others abhor it. The novel is an incredibly detailed piece and a great feat of the imagination with believable characters whose determination to succeed is inspiring.
Kayla Gaskell