Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Pan Macmillan, 2017. ISBN 9781760555313
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. Who doesn't want to be a superhero?
Nova despises the Renegades that failed to save her family during
the age of anarchy. Taken in by her uncle, the notorious Ace
Anarchy, just before The Battle for Gatlon, Nova was raised with the
ideals of the anarchists, however neither she, nor her alias
Nightmare, were ever quite right for the anarchists. Having
retreated underground with the survivors, Nova is thrust back into
the fray when a plan to kill Captain Chromium leads the renegades
directly to their hiding place. A new plan must now be set in
motion, one which her uncle would have approved of - going
undercover into enemy territory. Nova must become a Renegade to
discover how they can be overthrown and how she can keep her
anarchist family safe. However, being a Renegade means adopting a
whole new world-view. Can Nova maintain her anarchist roots in spite
of the comradery of the Renegades and the particular attentions of
Captain Chromium's son, Adrian?
In a world where there are prodigies who can use their powers for
good (joining the Renegades) or evil, social structures are
threatened as the people go from anarchy to a reliance on
superheros. Exploring ideas of loyalty, friendship, and
open-mindedness, Nova discovers that no one side is entirely right
or entirely wrong. I would highly recommend for fans of superhero or
dystopian fiction aged twelve and up. I am certainly looking forward
to the sequel!
Kayla Gaskell, 22