Remember Me Volume 1 by Christopher Pike

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Hodder Children's Books, 2010. ISBN 9781444901269.
(Age: 13+) When Shari Cooper went out onto the balcony for some fresh air, she didn't expect to die. But now she is dead, and a spirit in between worlds. Still on Earth, but invisible to humans, she discovers that her family and friends believe she committed suicide. But Shari knows otherwise. She knows that she was pushed that night, and now she has to find her murderer, before they strike again.
This story is well-written and imaginative. I loved it because it was very original. I've read plenty of ghost stories and this was one of the most unique so far. It manages to combine fantasy, murder, mystery, and humour into one fantastic book.
At times this book turns from a dark, brooding atmosphere to bright humour. This is a great example of how good a writer Christopher Pike is. With some authors this type of abrupt change would be disjointed, but here the book continues smoothly and enjoyably throughout.
I love the description and the imagination in this book. Description is a big factor in how good a book is, and in Remember Me it was fantastic. Christopher Pike always painted a very clear picture of the scene in my mind. As for imagination, I always love it when authors attempt to stretch you.
This is a great book for anyone who enjoys the fantasy/paranormal genre. It is clever, unique, and a thoroughly engaging book.
I highly recommend this book.
Rebecca Adams (Student)