Reign of beasts by Tansy Rayner Roberts

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HarperCollins, 2012. ISBN 9780732289454.
(Age: 13+) Highly recommended. The Creature Court are at war with each other. Three kings fight bitterly for power and dominance over Aufleur and the streets run red with blood. Some believe that Velody has betrayed them as a new Power and Majesty rises, one who has no hesitation in torturing or killing those he should protect. At Saturnalia, the fate of the city will be decided. If Velody cannot persuade Ashiol to trust her again, Aufleur will fall.
This is the third and final book in the Creature Court trilogy, and it is packed with all the revelations and terrific fights you'd expect from a book like this. It's written very well - just like the previous two books were - and it has the perfect combination of believable dialogue, vivid description and exciting action. The characters are excellently developed over the course of the whole book. Generally, it's a very well written book, and any fantasy fan will enjoy it. A warning though, because it's a long book and some of the slower passages may be hard to get through at first. It's definitely worth it though, because the ending is terrific.
The fantastic ending to the Creature Court trilogy, this is one book (and trilogy) fantasy fans don't want to miss. With the perfect blend of various elements, including stunning action scenes and characters, it's a sure winner.
I highly recommend this book.
Rebecca Adams (Student)