Ready, steady, hatch by Ben Long

Ill. by David Cornish. Ford Street, 2017. ISBN 9781925272536
Way down yonder in the pumpkin patch, ten little eggs were beginning
to hatch. As they did, they danced and twirled - it was time
to go and see the world. But the last little chick gets
distracted by a large cherry, unseen by the others who marched on to
meet their mother. But she was very concerned when she counted
them because that morning there were ten and now there were only
nine! So with Mother Hen in front they set out on a hunt to find the
missing chick. But no matter how or where they searched, they
had no luck until...
This is a rollicking romp in rhyme which will appeal to young
readers as they enjoy the language, the search and the charming
illustrations which add so much action and sound you are drawn into
the story. The rhythm of the rhyme is reinforced as the chicks march
to the musical notes and then drum on logs and stomp their feet
trying to bring the little one out of hiding.
There is something about the theme of Chooks in Books that has
always appealed, perhaps because it lends itself to lots of research
such as investigating whether chickens are the only creatures that
start life as eggs as well as lots of artwork for there are so many
ways to create chickens to build a class mural to retell the story,
surround with chook facts, and build a wall of Chooks in Books
stories. Imagine how much easier the concept of 10 and ordinal
numbers will become as the children identify the subtle differences
between the line of chooks and then line themselves up like the
chickens and march or run or creep around to the beat of a drum.
Ben Long and David Cornish have created a story that will capture
the attention of little ones and reaffirm their understanding that
there is much fun to be had between the pages of the book.
Barbara Braxton