Ravi's roar by Tom Percival

Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN: 9781408892183.
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Temper tantrums, Family, Size,
Emotions. Ravi is the youngest in his family. When the family goes
to the park, the others are able to run and jump and play with the
equipment, but Ravi is too short to reach the things he wants to
try. He is not only the youngest of the four siblings, but also the
smallest. He can not reach the monkey bars, or walk across the logs
that are too widely spaced for his small legs, and he definitely can
not go on the big slide. But the last straw occurs when he goes to
get an ice cream and finds there are none left.
He becomes very cross, so cross that his face becomes hotter and
redder, a tail appears behind him, his hands develop claws and his
face becomes striped, and he can roar like a tiger. His tiger
attributes are very handy, stomping around the park scaring people
from the seat he wants, or getting an ice cream of his own to eat.
But sitting by himself he realises that no one wants to play with
him, and he needs to think about what to do next.
All children will recognise the emotional turmoil and eventual
temper tantrum put on by Ravi. Most will have succumbed themselves
or seen others lose their tempers at home, in the classroom or in
the playground. This book shows them that it is not unusual, and
gives a very satisfying resolution to the problem. Ravi loses his
temper, but he realises that there are consequences and a way of
controlling that temper for the betterment of his family. And with a
neat twist, the author shows that there are some situations where a
small show of fierceness is appropriate.
A wonderful fluorescent green cover will attract readers to this
book, the pages inside showing a close and loving family dealing
with the problem of Ravi's temper.
The illustrations promote the close ties of the family, Dad engaged
and helpful, the family unit doing things together. Readers will
love picking out the things they can do in the local park, recognise
the different people that use the park, and emulate the children's
activities there.
Fran Knight