Rascal and the hot air balloon by Paul Jennings and Bob Lea

2009. ISBN 9780143502425.
(Age 5-7) Any book by Paul Jennings is sure to delight his young
readers and Rascal and the hot air balloon is no exception.
Rascal is a
little dragon who loves to chase things especially things that fly like
aeroplanes, helicopters and hot air balloons. Ben thinks it's too
dangerous for Rascal to be chasing planes so Dad tells him to tie him
up. When a hot air balloon gets into trouble Rascal knows that he has
go to its rescue.
Ben Lea's big, bold illustrations are a combination of fantastic
dragons and real life cars and planes and amusing details engage the
reader. There are such amusing expressions on the faces of Rascals and
his companions. The pictures match the text and will give clues to the
beginning reader, who will want to go on and pursue other Rascal books.
With its easy, large text and entertaining illustrations this book is a
pleasure to read. The humourous twist at the end is an added bonus.
Pat Pledger