Racing Car is Roaring by Mandy Archer

Ill. by Martha Lightfoot. Busy Wheels series. Scholastic,
2013. ISBN: 9781742835112
(Ages: 3-6) Recommended. Rabbit loves racing around the track with
Racing Car. The big race is about to take place and as the mechanics
do some final checks on Racing Car Rabbit zips up his overalls and
puts on his helmet. VVRROOOMMM goes Racing Car as Rabbit steers it
onto the track and WHOOSH go the cars as they screech around the
bend. But what's that up ahead? The crowd gasps. There's an oil
spill on the track! Can Rabbit and Racing Car get safely around and
will it be Rabbit standing on the winner's podium?
The great elements of this book are its simplicity of story, the
relaxed way it introduces new and technical language and the fun way
it encourages interaction with its readers. The technical language
or terms associated with cars and car racing such as 'pit stop',
'skids' and 'marshall' are printed in bold print allowing young
readers to pick them out and consider them. The illustrations
themselves are clean and bold with primary colours and are very
accurate in their representation of the machinery and its parts and
the race track itself. The last couple of pages dedicate themselves
to factual information about race cars. There is a labelled diagram
of a racing car and labelled pictures of different types of racing
machines, eg. Motorbike, Formula 1 car, rally car.
This is not only a fun and engaging story but is highly factual and
informative - a perfect story to share with those curious
machine-loving preschoolers and young school-age children. Not only
will children pick up a lot of new language and concepts but it
provides ample opportunities for questions and discussions around
what these concepts mean, examining similar terms eg. 'marshall' and
'umpire' and looking at the discourse and symbols of the car racing
world, eg. 'Lights out' means 'go'.
Nicole Smith-Forrest