Rabbit Rescue by Cosentino, Jack Heath

The Mysterious World of Cosentino series. Ill. by James Hart.
Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781742765433
(Age: 6-8) Themes: Magic, Humour. Cosentino, the Grand Illusionist
returns in another exciting whirlwind story, filled with magic,
illusions, rabbit rescues and daring escapes. Cos the magician at
Copperpot Theatre, his friends Locki the padlock, Snuggles his
rabbit and Professor Camouflage master of disguises are always ready
for a new adventure. When Cos calls Matchman up to the stage he's
unimpressed by Cos and his Nonna's magic routines, a watermelon
sliced by a chainsaw and a trick sword pushed through the magicians
heart. Matchman's revenge involves setting the theatre on fire and
Cosentino's skills are needed to save the audience and escape from
the flames.
Meanwhile at royal zoo, the evil two-headed Kings has locked up
nearly all the Magicland rabbits ready for a special feast featuring
rolled roast rabbit on the menu. Snuggles Cos's rabbit friend who
lives in his hat, asks the illusionist and his friends to help
rescue all his furry friends. The king had banned magic in
Coppertown and relocated all of the rabbits to Warren.
Cosentino and his friends conjure up a special plan involving a
disguise, secret tunnels and tricks to sneak into the zoo and
release the rabbits.
Rabbit Rescue by Cosentino and Jack Heath is an easy to read
graphic novel filled with fun dialogue, colourful text, bold words
and colourful cartoons, bursting with splashes of orange. Four foam
balls are included with tips on magic tricks as well.
Rhyllis Bignell