Queenie by Jacqueline Wilson

Random House, 2013. ISBN 9780857531124.
(Age: Yr 3+) It is 1953 and Elsie Kettle and her Nan are looking
forward to seeing the coronation of the new Queen. But all
their plans are dashed when Nan's persistent cough turns out to be
tuberculosis and she is hospitalised in the sanatorium.This
means Elsie's mum, who occasionally visits in between showgirl
engagements, has to return to look after Elsie. But not for
long, because mandatory testing shows that Elsie also has
tuberculosis. Hers is not in her lungs, but in her knee -
transmitted by drinking infected milk which was common in those
days. Her limp, which so aggravated her mother, was not caused
by her ugly boy-shoes nor put on for attention and she too finds
herself in hospital.
But hospitals and treatments in the 50s are not like they are today
and Elsie finds herself in Blyton Ward with seven other children,
each strapped into splints and kept immobile for months. Being the
new girl is hard enough, but it's made worse by seemingly harsh and
uncaring nurses, particularly Nurse Patterson, strict routines, no
privacy and a bedside neighbour who immediately christens her
Gobface. Each evening the children are read a story from Enid
Blyton's Faraway Tree series and Elsie's ability to create new
stories, particularly one about Nurse Patterson meeting her fate in
the Land of Polar Bears, gradually allows her to fit in. However,
she has always sought solace in cats, whether on her Nan's button
box, her pink pyjamas or the real thing, she brings them to life so
she is not so lonely, so her spirits are lifted when she befriends
the ward cat, Queenie.
It is her ability to escape to a land of fantasy that enables Elsie
to endure the boredom, pain and loneliness, particularly on the
weekends which is the only time parents may visit and her mother
doesn't turn up week after week after week, even after the Queen
visits. Elsie knows she has acquired a new 'uncle' and this is
confirmed when her mother disappears to Canada which raises a whole
lot of issues because Elsie is due to be discharged. Who will look
after her?
This book plods along at a sedentary pace opening up a world very
different to what any Australian child might have experienced in
hospital. The thought of being totally incapacitated locked
into what Elsie first believes are torture racks seems unimaginable
but that was the treatment of the times, and many children underwent
it until milk became tested and treated and the risk of infection
eliminated. Yet despite its rather grim setting and storyline,
Wilson has crafted a charming story with engaging characters which
carries the reader along wanting to help Elsie, shake some
compassion into her mother, bless Nurse Gabriel and put faith in a
happy ending. With its 411 pages, it is better for the
independent reader who is able to manage such a task and if this is
their first Jacqueline Wilson title, they will be looking for
Barbara Braxton