Puffin Little Cook : Snacks

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Penguin Random House Australia, 2020. ISBN: 9781760897000. 96pp.
(Age: 6+) Highly recommended. A flick through this compact book brought me to a stop with a recipe for little pea frittatas which sounded very easy to make, and very delicious. More skimming through found a recipe for Anzac biscuits, and I was hooked. This book, I decided, was a keeper for me personally and one that I will use often when grandchildren visit.
With the help of a Big Cook to turn on the oven and help with the actual cooking process, children will have a lot of fun making these simple but very appealing snacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And some yummy, nutritious, sweet snacks like fruit slushies and frozen banana pops are sure to be ones children make.
This is an ideal recipe book for parents and grandparents to have on hand when budding cooks want to make something in the kitchen. The ingredients are all simple, and the instructions are clear and easy to follow. There is a Contents page, Glossary, and Puffin quiz. Each recipe gives the number of items that will be made, and illustrations brighten up the book. A little puffins prances throughout and will be loved by little children.
A well designed, clearly presented and easy to follow book, this will be a hit with all who use it.
Pat Pledger