Puffin book of bedtime stories: eight favourite Australian picture books

Puffin, 2019. ISBN: 9780143796732.
Recommended. When it is time for kids to calm down, snuggle up in
bed or just laze the afternoon immersed in a book, Puffin book
of bedtime stories is a great place to start. It is filled
with 8 stories all by Australian authors and illustrators, many of
which have been well read by children over the years.
I really liked the pillowy feel of the cover, and although it is a
thick book the cover adds to the 'bedtime' theme. The dark blue
background with vibrant pictures also makes it very easy to find on
the shelf amongst all the others!
Some of the titles include Bed Tails by Meredith Costain, Sophie's
big bed by Tina Burke, One very tired wombat by Renee
Treml (my personal favourite) and Jesse by Tim Winton.
I just really liked this specific collection of stories and we
really enjoyed reading a couple each night at bedtime. My 4 (almost
5) year old agrees, stating that it's 'good at bedtime and quiet
time'. Mister almost 9 wasn't too phased by the whole thing, however
he did read Come down, Cat by Sonya Hartnett to her so I
count that as a win!
There are lots of great themes within the stories such as bedtime,
counting, Australian animals, transition into a big bed, grief and
change (bring the tissues for the beautiful A bear and a tree
by Stephen Michael King! Such a wonderful story about having just
one more day . . .), growing up, adventures and a good old-fashioned
cat rescue!
I thought the majority of the illustrations were wonderful, vibrant
but soft, and the felt and wool tawny frogmouths in Baby Tawnies
were different and blurry. We enjoyed the story.
It is a great book to keep on the bedside table, but also to take on
holidays instead of dragging around loads of different titles. An
interesting group of Australian authors and illustrators all in one
place, 4 out of 5.
Lauren Fountain