Professor Fred Hollows by Hazel Edwards

New Frontier Publishing, 2012. ISBN 9781921042751.
(Age 7+) According to the Macquarie dictionary, a hero is 'a
person of distinguished courage or performance'. Professor Fred
Hollows qualified on both counts and is a fitting subject for a
series about 'Aussie heroes'. He used his skills as an
ophthalmologist to treat people around the world, and refused to
accept that the cost of medical treatment should deny anyone the
gift of sight.
Hazel Edwards is an experienced and able story teller. In her
biography, the issues that drove Fred Hollows are as apparent as the
course of his extraordinary life. Technical information is
interwoven with the story, so that readers are aware of major eye
diseases and the medical procedures used to alleviate or cure them.
With the glossary incorporated into the text, its absence at the end
of the book is not noticed. The story is driven along in a
conventional manner. Each compact chapter has a well-defined purpose
and each paragraph begins with a topic sentence. The author's use of
these techniques reminds us why they are so effective in historical
One drawback to 'heroic' history is that its subjects can seem one
dimensional. Hazel Edwards has avoided this pitfall by mentioning
some of Fred Hollows' idiosyncrasies, without being judgmental or
detracting from his achievements. She has also emphasised that Fred
and Gabi Hollows were partners in work as well as in life, and has
ended the story with Gabi's tireless efforts to continue her
husband's legacy.
The large font, clear, explicit writing style and timeline, make
this text suitable as a story for younger children and as a source
of information for older primary students. While the illustrations
are realistic and sympathetic, the absence of an index and
photographs gives the book the appearance of an unassuming reading
text rather than a work of non-fiction. Any student or teacher, who
is unaware of the value of Hazel Edward's biography, could miss an
opportunity to learn about the life's work of a true 'Aussie hero'.
Elizabeth Bor