Prize fighter, a novel by Future D. Fidel

Hachette, 2018. ISBN 9780733639050
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. The first two 'Acts' of this book
include the most shocking things I have read for a while. Not that
the writing is graphic or extreme, the author avoids giving us
details, just as his protagonist wants to avoid the memories, but
the story of the depravity to which human beings can descend is
truly disturbing. Fidel writes about the forced conscription of
child soldiers by Congolese rebels on the rampage, forcing them to
rape, hatchet and kill even family and friends. Isa is only in grade
4 when he sees his parents and his sister killed; he and his elder
brother Moise become weapons for the rebels, their mission is to
kill everyone under the age of eight and over fifteen, and they have
to recruit others into the same brutality. In a moment of
desperation Moise urges Isa to run, and Isa does, not knowing whether
the gunshots he hears have taken his brother's life.
Travelling alone across country Isa ends up yet another child beggar
on the streets of Nairobi. But a good deed sees him rescued by a
kindly old woman, who helps him register with the United Nations as
a refugee.
Eventually Isa is accepted for settlement in Australia, but that is
not the end of his loneliness and torment. The boxing skills he
learnt from his brother, see him gain notoriety in the boxing ring,
but he has to learn how to restrain the violence that remains within
him, violence that continues to threaten his relationships with
Whilst Fidel's novel is not autobiographical it is obviously based
on first-hand knowledge of the horrors of the Congolese civil war.
In an ABC
podcast, available online, he tells of how he was orphaned as
a child and escaped as a stowaway to Tanzania, then after 8 years in
a camp, he was accepted as a refugee to Australia. In Australia he
has become active in the arts, supporting others from refugee
backgrounds. Prize fighter started as a stage play and now is
presented as a novel.
Prize fighter rings with authenticity and is a gripping tale of one
child's survival through the worst horrors, and his struggle as an
adult to break free from memories and make a new life. We can only
hope that other refugees are able to achieve the same thing.
Helen Eddy