Prisoner of night and fog by Anne Blankman

Headline Publishing. 2014. ISBN 9781472207821.
Recommended. There are not too many readers who don't enjoy a good
murder mystery. Prisoner of night and fog is, in essence,
just that - something to keep the reader turning the pages as the
heroes search for the truth, face danger, experience betrayal and in
amongst it all find love and friendship. However Prisoner of
night and fog is so much more than that, set as it is, in the
turbulent times of Munich, 1931, when Hitler is on his rapid rise to
ultimate power.
The hero of the story is Gretchen Muller who is a favourite to her
Uncle Dolf (Hitler) who calls her his 'little sunshine'. At the
beginning of the tale she leads a relatively stable life, believing
in the doctrines of her uncle and with dreams of becoming a doctor.
Her home life is a little difficult as she is required to help her
mother in the boardinghouse and is sometimes subject to
mistreatment from her brother Reinhard, a member of the thuggish
Brownshirts. Then she meets a Jewish reporter who not only raises
questions about the death of her father but also causes her to
question some firmly held beliefs as she comes to realise that his
features 'all combined to make it difficult to remember he wasn't
subhuman' (p. 93) as she had been taught. This new understanding is
gradually consolidated as she meets other Jews and discovers the
real intentions of her Uncle Dolf. As the story progresses Reinhard
is revealed for the psychopath that he is and parallels are drawn
between him and the Fuhrer by Whitestone, the English doctor who has
come to Germany to write a psychological profile of Hitler.
Together with the reporter, Daniel, she sets about to discover,
firstly what happened to her father during the Beer Hall Putsch of
1923 and indeed who was really responsible for his death. Along the
way Daniel and Gretchen face increasing danger, both as their
relationship is 'verboten' and because in their search for truth
they uncover details, the knowledge of which would see them killed.
Their bravery and sometimes recklessness all combine to ensure a
thrilling finale.
As Anna Blackman herself says, 'although Prisoner of night and
fog is a work of fiction, much of it is rooted in fact'
(Author's note p. 361) and it is this which adds tremendously to the
quality of this novel.
Barb Rye